
Garden Fountains – How To Create A Haven Of Tranquility In Your Own Backyard

Garden Fountains - How To Create A Haven Of TranquilityGarden Fountains – How To Create A Haven Of Tranquility In Your Own Backyard

Garden fountains come in a huge variety of decorative styles, from ornately carved wall fountains to floating pond fountains. If you’re looking for a way to bring a soothing ambiance to the sanctuary of your backyard or patio, then a water fountain can be a wonderful feature. The sight and sound of flowing water can have a lovely soothing effect, helping to wash away the stresses and strains of daily life. An outdoor fountain can become a stunning focal point of your garden design. The gentle trickling sound can help drown out the sound of the city and create a peaceful and inspiring environment.

Outdoor water fountains run on either an electric pump or solar power. They come in a range of sizes and styles, to suit all kinds of garden themes. Tiered cascades, birdbaths, wall mounted and traditional pedestal designs are some of the many options available. Designs based on mythical figures, animals and cherubs are popular, as are more contemporary designs. Having a pond fountain not only adds to the atmosphere of relaxation and calm, but also helps keep the water circulating and prevents it from becoming stagnant.

Patio fountains and waterfalls are sought after by many people looking to reduce stress levels and wishing to create an oasis of calm in their own backyard. Water fountains have been features of gardens throughout history in many cultures, and the soothing effects of flowing water have long been recognized. For instance, according to the principles of Feng Shui, moving water in certain areas of a garden can help activate beneficial chi energy.

If you’re looking to transform your garden or patio into a relaxing retreat, then a water fountain could be just what you need to add that touch of serenity and calm.

Garden Fountains – How To Create A Haven Of Tranquility In Your Own Backyard


Find Peace And Happiness Through Gardening

Find Peace And Happiness Through GardeningFind Peace And Happiness Through Gardening. Gardening is a wonderful and relaxing hobby enjoyed by many all over the world. People who enjoy gardening often feel a deep-rooted sense of calm and tranquility, and they also forge a stronger connection with nature.

There are many types and forms of gardening. Organic gardening is a unique method of gardening and allows the gardener to really bond with Mother Nature. Organic gardening really gets down to the basics of growing fruits and vegetables, using only what Mother Nature provides. Container gardening is another way of gardening and allows many people who do not have their own gardens to still enjoy gardening using pots and containers.

Container gardening is a great way to decorate and accentuate your house and your outdoor area. Plant containers such as clay urns, metal pans, terra cotta pots, wine tubs, wood boxes, bathtubs, glass bowls, wire baskets, sisal rope planters, cement hollows etc. all work well. You want to be sure to have an assortment of beautiful flowers and plants of varying heights as well as shapes and textures when planning your garden.

Organic gardening requires much more attention and involvement in the whole process. When you grow plants organically, you do not add any artificial or chemical substances to the soil to avoid their negative health consequences. In organic gardening natural compost is needed to fertilize the soil. Natural compost is derived from plant, fruit or kitchen waste and contains no harmful chemical pesticides in it.

Whether you go for container gardening or organic gardening, the preparation and gardening methods are pretty similar. After you decide on what type of gardening you want to do, prepare your spot and soil for planting. You must remove all weeds, grass, stones, etc using various gardening supplies or herbicides. When this is completed, you can plow the planting area and add nutrients such as manure, compost, peat or sand to the soil. If your soil is too sandy, you will need to add compost to give it the necessary nutrients it needs.

Gardening supplies are essential for good gardening. They make gardening easy, and there are certain gardening supplies that gardeners find indispensable, including gloves, spades, scissors, pruners, levelers etc. Make sure to buy good quality gardening supplies for ease of use, such as gardening gloves made of high-quality leather, and gardening spades or pruners made of stainless steel.

Find Peace And Happiness Through Gardening


Do you feed the birds in your garden

Do you feed the birds in your gardenDo you feed the birds in your garden?  Putting a bird feeder in your garden is a very kind thing to do. It is getting harder and harder for birds to find food in urban areas – not only in winter but all year round – and so bird feeders can often save their lives. They are also great for birdwatching if that’s what you’re into, especially if you leave the bird feeder in the same place for a long time so that the birds start to remember where it is.

But what kind of bird feeder should you get? The simplest bird feeders are just tables for you to put food on, but the food you put on these is easily stolen by squirrels, who will keep coming back for more and burying it all over your garden. You should consider a cage feeder, where the food is inside a cage so that birds need to use their beaks to get it, or perhaps a feeder with a specially-designed perch that will collapse under the weight of a squirrel. However, both of these options can be impractical if you want to feed larger birds, so you need to consider whether it’s really worth it or if you might as well just put out more food.

The other thing you should think about is what you’re going to put in your bird feeder. Obviously, this depends mainly on what kind of birds you expect to attract. Most birds will prefer seeds such as millet, but meat-eating birds will prefer ‘bird cake’ and a few birds like hummingbirds want a mixture of sugar and water (a kind of substitute nectar). Some birds also like to eat fruit, so you might try leaving pieces of apple or orange in the mixture as well. If you’re not sure which birds will come, then the best thing to do is to have a little of everything at first, and then see what is popular.

Do you feed the birds in your garden


Caring For Your Plant Bulbs

Caring For Your Plant BulbsCaring For Your Plant Bulbs . Bulbs are generally the easiest of all plants to care for, and this makes bulbs one of the most popular among gardeners.

The only way to keep up with the latest about Caring For Your Plant Bulbs is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Caring For Your Bulbs, it won’t take long for you to become an influential authority.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

Bulbs are generally among the easiest of all plants to care for, and this hardiness makes bulbs one of the most popular among all kinds of gardeners. Even though bulbs are easy to care for, however, it is still important to care for them properly to ensure you will have a garden full of dahlias, lilies, daffodils, tulips, and other bulbs.

One great thing about bulbs is the colors they come in. Bulb plants come in a wide variety of colors, and a flower bed full of bulbs can be one of the most colorful parts of any garden.

As with any type of plant, it is important that your bed full of bulbs receive plenty of water, plenty of sunlight, proper fertilization and a good-quality soil. Providing these basic elements is the best way to get your bulbs off to the best start.

When it comes to watering bulbs, it is important to remember that all bulbs need regular watering during their growth and blooming period. For most bulbs, the active growth period begins shortly after they go into the ground, and it continues until the foliage on the plant has died back. The dieback generally occurs after the flowering has stopped, or in the autumn of the year.

If there is not enough rainfall available, the gardener should be sure to supplement the water with deep watering, deep enough to reach the root zone, as the roots will be growing underneath the bulb. In addition, providing a good layer of mulch will assist the roots in retaining their all important moisture content. It is important to note here, however, that the bearded iris should never be mulched, since mulching it will cause it to rot.

Proper fertilization is also very important to successfully growing bulbs. The fertilizer should be applied at the time the bulb is planted, in the bottom of the hole, and covered with a thin layer of soil. The bulb should never be placed directly on top of the fertilizer. In addition, the bulbs should be fed with a high nitrogen content fertilizer at the start of the growing season. Providing this extra feeding will help the bulbs to produce more attractive flowers.

After the bulbs have completed their blooming cycle, they will have used up a great deal of their nutrient content. For the bulb to do well the following season it is important for those nutrients to be replenished. There are two steps gardeners should take to ensure that their bulbs will bloom well the next year.

The first step is to be certain that the foliage is left on the plant, even if the foliage looks poor, until the foliage has yellowed and pulls off easily. That is because the leaves will continue to make food for the plant as long as they are green, and this food will help the plant bloom better the next year.

The second step is to provide a good quality fertilizer right after the flowers have begun to fade away. It is important to fertilize with a bulb food that is high in phosphorus and potassium, as this will help the plant thrive the next year.

In order to be their most effective, the phosphorus and potassium in the bulb food must be able to reach the root zone, and for this reason, the fertilizer should be placed as close as possible to the roots. For a planting that has already been established, the fertilizer should be stretched slightly into the soil to help it move deeper, and the feeding should be followed by a deep watering.

There’s a lot to understand about Caring For Your Bulbs. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

Caring For Your Plant Bulbs


Ancient Figs Through History

Ancient Figs Through HistoryAncient Figs Through History . The fig tree, ‘Ficus carica,’ possibly originated in Northern Asia according to archeological fossil records. Spanish missionaries brought it to the United States in 1520. Historical Sumerian tablets record the use and consumption of figs in 2500 BC.

In Greek mythology, the fig figures prominently as a gift of Demeter to Dionysus and as having received the blessing and sanctity of the Greek Gods. Plato documented that Greek athletes at Olympia were fed diets of figs to increase their running speed and overall strength. The figs contained up to 50% concentration of sugar which was virtually like feeding the athlete a candy bar.

The most famous Biblical reference to figs is that, in which Jesus cursed a fig tree for not producing any fruit for him as he passed by, a curse that killed the fig tree, Matt 21:18

The Jewish King, Hezekiah, was cured of a life-threatening plague by applying figs to the infected spot. 2 Kings 20 The Apostle, James, brother of Jesus, used the metaphor of the fig tree to describe the appropriate behavior that he expected to follow from Christian living. James 3:12
Fig leaves were used in the early church to hide the genitalia of nude, marble sculptures that adorned religious buildings. Fig trees were also used in ancient history as shade trees and to chop and use as quick-start firewood.

Cooked figs were used as sweeteners in ancient times and this practice is still used in many third-world countries in Asia Minor. The figs contain over 50% sugar. Hybrid figs contain many hollow, tiny seeds on the interior of the fruit, similar in taste as those found in blueberries and strawberries. A fig fruit has a round tiny opening at the base of the fig called an ‘eye.’ A tiny wasp flies into the interior of the fig and pollinates the tiny flowers lining the interior walls of the fig. These tiny seeds are not generally digested by the stomach and offer a great laxative effect to the elderly sedentary citizens. American hybrid figs do not require or receive pollination to be transformed into edible fruit.

Fig trees in Europe can grow to a tremendous height of 100 feet, but the fruit is very difficult to harvest when the tree grows taller than 10 feet.

In harvesting the figs, it is important to pick the fruit from the tree, when it is completely mature–usually when it sags, droops, and changes color. If the figs are taken from the tree prematurely, the sweetness declines, but more importantly, if the figs are removed in the juvenile developing state, a white milky fluid exudes from the stem, which is transferred to a person’s hands and then eyes or mouth, the fluid is very irritating and should be washed away as quickly as possible.

One of the most famous figs in the United States is the “Black Mission” fig tree, which was named after the California, Franciscan mission that dates back to 1770, when it was planted there and cultivated on a commercial scale.

Perhaps the most famous product of figs is the fig newton that uses dried figs placed between curved, sweet wafers and distributed by Nabisco. In Europe, figs are gathered from commercial fig tree orchards where they are sized, graded, and packed to sell as fresh fruit at local markets. Figs are easily dried after harvesting from the trees, and various brands are popularly sold throughout the world, because of their extended shelf life in the United States, California is the largest producer of figs and most of them are marketed as dried figs. In the South figs are boiled in sugar liquid, sometimes adding strawberries and the resulting fig preserves are eaten during the fall and winter months as fig preserves on hot buttered biscuits. The trees grow into picturesque specimens in many landscapes. The trunks are often whitewashed when young in order to keep the sun from scalding the tender bark. The roots are vigorous growers and will grow far away from the canopy; however, trimming these roots does not damage the tree.

Fig trees grown in full sun have soft wood that breaks easily. The trees easily grow to 100 feet in Europe but usually less than 30 feet in the United States. Fertilizing fig trees on most soils is unnecessary and unwise because nitrogen fertilizer tends to promote aggressive branch growth and will reduce the size of the crop. If too much nitrogen is applied, the fruit does not mature properly and the fruit has an off taste.

The first crop of figs that matures in the spring is called the “breba” crop and the next and tastiest crop matures in the fall. Figs are harvested from the trees from June till October, although some new cultivars will be ready for eating in April. The shelf life for freshly picked figs is short and figs generally last only about three days in refrigeration. A fig should not be picked from a tree, if it is overripe or mushy, since it will begin souring from fermentation. At this point, figs will lose their roundness and begin to collapse inward. When a fig is harvested from a tree, it should be soft to the touch and a very firm fig will not ripen properly if it is picked at this immature stage.

The beautiful leaves of the fig tree are used to make an odd-scented perfume with the aroma of wood or musk. The white, milky latex from the tree can be used as a meat tenderizer or in making cheese if the latex is dried and powdered. Figs can be frozen whole or sliced in plastic bags or jars and are expected to last satisfactorily for one year. Dried figs can be soaked in warm water to restore their shape and softness. Fruit of figs is high in iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber, and they are used as a diuretic and a laxative.

Figs contain protein-digesting enzymes and can be used as a meat tenderizer and a taste enhancer. Dried figs are often used to substitute for recipes calling for dried apricots, dates, or prunes.

Fig trees are considered to be about as cold hardy as citrus; however, recent hybrid cultivars show that fig trees can survive temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit for limited periods of time, and if the tree freezes to the ground, the new shoots will sprout in the spring to rapidly renew the fig tree.

Ancient Figs Through History Ancient Figs Through History Ancient Figs Through History


All About Riding Lawn Mowers

All About Riding Lawn Mowers

All About Riding Lawn Mowers. Most riding lawnmowers are machines fun to ride and extremely cool to look at. However, they are just a dream for many gardeners who can not afford one of this powerful gardening equipment. A riding mower can be a practical time-saving machine for professionals as well as for beginner or amateur landscapers. If you are one of those homeowners, lucky to maintain a large yard, it can be a good idea to invest in a riding mower.

Basics of lawn mowers

We will explain first the type of mowers on the market and then which one would fit better with your current needs. Basic riding mowers are actually those featuring rear engines. They use to come with small horsepower engines, usually mounted under the operator’s seat. These mowers have reasonable power-sized cutting blades and fit perfectly into small lawns with less than 1 acre.

The next level up is for medium horsepower riding lawnmowers; these mowers use to include their engines at the front; there can fit larger engines due to the space. They have a stronger and faster cutting capacity. Medium riding mowers provide better performance on hilly gardens and are the perfect complement for yards between 1 and 3 acres. Commercial riding lawnmowers are designed for really large yards, including sports fields, they can be extremely expensive for homeowners and won’t really provide their best performance in yards no bigger than 3 yards.

Here you can find some important points to have in mind before you decide on the most suitable model that would better fit your necessities. The final choice will depend basically on:

• The type of terrain of your mowing area as well as its size of it. And what other tasks would you like to do with your new lawnmower? It is also very important to know whether or not the area includes slopes or hilly areas. The flattest your mowing area the better performance you will get from the machine.

• It is always extremely important to select a comfortable seat, especially when you will be sitting for a long time. You will save a lot on back injuries and other common diseases related to sat jobs. There is no choice with that, it’s preferable that the mower’s seat be comfortable enough, don’t make the mistake that most do, it is worth it.

• Does the garden include trees or rocks that require a permanent change of direction during the mowing process? It’s very important to find all the finishing touches to choose between steering wheels and tires.

• There are different bagging or recycling grass options; here you have mainly mulching or to bagging. While mulching will cut the grass into fine clippings and then give it back to your lawn, providing nutrients to it, the second will just fill up a rear bag, being easier for the rider to empty and replace it with new ones.

• There are many attachments on the market to choose from. You probably just need a riding lawnmower including normal features. In addition, you can usually attach other features, like the ones to remove snow during wintertime.

All About Riding Lawn Mowers


A Better Weekend Gardening Experience

A Better Weekend Gardening Experience . It’s vital to start the process of having a hassle-free garden. This article gives you that first step and helps achieve a sound understanding of what you face as a weekend gardener. Our goal is to create a garden that practically takes care of itself.

Unlike my neighbor, Fred.

Fred never found a way to escape the prison of responsibilities and hard, never-ending work required by a high-maintenance garden.

If you want to avoid Fred’s fate, you need to start by making a critical examination of the maintenance of your yard and garden.

Start by taking a stroll around your property and make note of how much time you take to tend to various areas.

• Which plants require the most care, right now?
• Are there areas that please you and take less care of?
• Are there some areas that you love so much that no matter how much maintenance they take you’d not want to change them?
• Can you visualize any areas being scaled down in size, or that can be improved with a low-maintenance design or gardening technique?
• Where is the problem weeding area?
• Which is the most difficult mowing area of your lawn?

In my book: “The Weekend Gardener”- The Busy Persons’ Guide To A Beautiful Backyard Garden, I present very specific ways to combat your problem areas as you think critically about the current maintenance problems you must take into account. Take this tour with a critical eye and a notebook. Make some notes to yourself about what you see, what you imagine, and what you are currently faced with.

As you do this preliminary overview, remember it is okay to consider what you “hate” to do in regard to gardening work. We want to get rid of these areas first and foremost.

Everyone has a different take on this subject. Some hate mowing the lawn, while others actually enjoy the exercise and like getting out in the sun. Some find weeding tedious, others will enjoy the process of grabbing weeds by the fistful and yanking them forcefully out of the ground. I have a cousin who has actually been found to wander into neighbors’ yards yanking the critters up (much to the surprise and cheerful appreciation of his neighbors) after he had run out of them in his own yard.

So, part of your ‘yard tour’ is to make note of the areas that require work; how you feel about each one, and listing which are particularly time-consuming.

Once you’re done, take your list and make a check mark (!) next to those items that you intend to keep no matter how much maintenance they may require. Then put a question mark (?) Next to the ones you enjoy looking at, but are nonetheless high-maintenance and take too much work. Later you will discover timesaving techniques you can surely apply to many of these problem areas.

Now plan on making your aim to eliminate those areas left UNMARKED. You’ll want low-maintenance ways to turn these areas into sources of pleasure, instead of drudgery. However, you can’t DO anything to lessen the strain until you first SEE the problems out there in your yard. So do this tour as a first step to achieving true joy and freedom in your gardening experience.

A Better Weekend Gardening Experience


Aluminum Strap Patio Furniture for the Poolside

Landscaper Dallas Aluminum Strap Patio Furniture for the PoolsideAluminum Strap Patio Furniture for the Poolside : pools are a great addition to any home or resort. Pools offer a beautiful outdoor setting and offer endless hours of entertainment. Any outdoor pool requires the right furniture. Pool owners want furniture that will hold up to elements of the pool and are also practical for entertaining poolside. Aluminum strap patio furniture is a great way to practically furnish the patio.

Aluminum strap patio furniture prides itself on its quality.

Aluminum strap patio furniture is now made from the finest components including the highest quality steel and aluminum. The straps have a powder coated paint finish for resilience. Aluminum frames are coated with a high quality sealant to withstand the elements. The aluminum is also resistant to rough handling and denting. Ideal for when furniture will frequently need to be moved or stacked.

There are a few furniture pieces that should be purchased for poolside seating.

Every pool should have a few chaise lounges for sun bathing. Aluminum strap is a perfect choice for this because it will not mold or mildew from wet people or towels. An aluminum table and aluminum strap dining chairs are a great idea for serving food poolside. Another great idea is a bar table and aluminum strap bar chairs. Pool users can sit casually at a bar table and watch others. Aluminum strap patio furniture also comes in a variety of colors to compliment any decorating theme.

Aluminum strap patio furniture is easy to care for.

The aluminum frames and straps are very stain resistant and will usually be cleaned easily with mild detergent and water. After years and years of use aluminum strap patio furniture can be recoated with sealant and paint powder in order to provide more years and years of service.

Furnishing the poolside is easy with a few tips and a little research on patio furniture. Aluminum strap patio furniture is one of the most popular choices, and for obvious reasons. Any pool owner will be happy with their choice for years to come.

This post Aluminum Strap Patio Furniture for the Poolside has kindly been provided by Tree Pruning Dallas ( previously called Gardener Dallas ).  We also thank Que-fait-un-paysagiste   and Light columns